Remember when I reviewed The River of No Return and everything was sunshine and sparkling rainbows, because time travel + sexytimes? Well GUESS WHAT. This week a prequel came out in the form of a novella called The Time Tutor , and you can get it as an eBook for $3 (which is what I did). It's shorter than you'll want it to be. Which is a good thing. I GUESS. So in the first book, Nick Davenant, who is THE DASHINGEST, is part of this Guild of time travelers, but then told "Oh no! The Guild is bad!" by a rebel group called the Ofan. What The Time Tutor does is talk about how the Ofan started to get their shit together back in the day and not just bounce around time. There are more sexytimes. There is a party in the 1920s. Bee Ridgway again drops in random historical/literary references that she refuses to explain to you, thereby encouraging you to get off your ass and learn (de Underjordiske? the Hidden Children of Sweden? not even Wikipedia is that up on what the...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.