Remember when Arthur Conan Doyle tried to murder Sherlock Holmes because he was so sick of him? I get that. Sherlock Holmes is a compelling character because he's a superhero, but he's got about as much personal depth as the Trix Rabbit. Why don't we just call him Perception Man, make a comic, and call it a day. "Alice, you sound kind of grumpy about this." Yes, because we won't stop carrying him through the decades in various incarnations. Stopppppp. ( x ) The latest -- unless something new has been written in the last couple months, which I wouldn't be surprised by -- is A Study in Charlotte , where the descendants of Holmes and Watson are at a boarding school in America and have to solve mysteries. I mean. It's fine. It's a fine book. I left it alone for a week and didn't feel any kind of impulse to pick it up except that it was due back at the library. Tbh I haven't even finished it yet, but my lackluster enthusiasm make...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.