You know what sucks? We as a people don't get as excited about Things That Came Out a Long Time Ago as we do about Things That Have Just Come Out. Now I know that sounds obvious. But what I really MEAN are Things That Came Out a Long LONG Time Ago, so they're new to us. We should be AS excited about those things as the song 'Blurred Lines' (omg so catchy), but that is usually a no-go. At least a part of that is because we don't want the 'Uh, obviously' reaction. "YOU GUYS I JUST LISTENED TO 'TRAGIC KINGDOM' AND IT'S THE GREATEST." "Yeah, we know that. We were all really excited in 1996. But now we're over it. We still like 'Spiderwebs' though. Man, what a great song." They will not jump on your excitement train There's the calm "Of course it's great" reaction of others, which is inevitably coupled with the Plight of the Lone Excited One. One of my favorite analogies for the importance of...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.