I've been feeling overly maudlin the past few days, so when I realized Friday was the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Factory Fire, I thought that was the perfect time to indulge my feelings and just get out and out sad about something legitimate instead of the fact the latest episode of Parks and Rec just wouldn't seem to download. Cornell has a really good archive of information about the fire here , and most of my time was spent there. Then Saturday and Sunday I traveled downstate to visit my parents, and CNN had an amazing HBO documentary about the fire, which I watched twice (again, indulging maudlin state). In the course of the documentary, they mentioned Rose Schneiderman, who is this piercing young lady right here and so I started reading up on her, but while I was reading I kept listening to the musical Ragtime , as anything about early 1900s labor strikes reminds me 'The Night That Goldman Spoke at Union Square.' A quick skip from that song, and I spe...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.