Dead Feminists basically springs from the idea of "What if we made a book about feminists throughout history and made it REALLY really pretty?" Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring, one an artist and one a printer & typographer , have assembled 24 essays and beautiful prints of historic feminists, or "historic heroines in living color." It's a damn gorgeous book. Ooh They include biographical sketches, prints for each woman, and a breakdown of what historical elements inspired the print. GET EXCITED, ART NERDS. And oh, history nerds, there're quotes and photographs and – knitting nerds, listen up, Elizabeth Zimmerman is in here . I know you guys are out there. Whenever I flip through it, I think about how much I probably would've loved it as a kid. There are so many pictures , and as a 3rd grader who was real real into a padded white book detailing the histories of every president of the United States – but which I only rea...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.