Do you ever think how hilarious it would be if certain authors were married to other authors? Like how pissed off they'd be at each other and like 'WHY DID I EVEN MARRY YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE WE LIVE IN DIFFERENT TIME PERIODS.' I think I'd super-enjoy having Nathaniel Hawthorne married to Dorothy Parker, because I love both of them, but Hawthorne has said some shit about ladies. Mainly that female authors were a "damned mob of scribbling women" and that they should be "forbidden to write, on pain of having their faces deeply scarified with an oyster-shell." damn, sir. But would Dorothy Parker put up with that shit? Hellllllll no. She'd write some withering but hilarious op-ed from the POV of a man saying women cannot write and Hawthorne would read it and be like "STOP MAKING FUN OF ME RIGHT NOW DOROTHEA" and she'd be like "Stop calling me Dorothea right now or so help me God" and he'd be like "YOU NEVER DAR...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.