Sense and Sensibility: Or, That Which I Don’t Desire to not Understand Cannot Withhold my own Undesirability to not Deem Unreasonable then I Shouldn’t Nest Fork Balloon.
It is time again...for a Doug review. Everyone get excited. I made him read Sense and Sensibility . ************************************ So I got beat. I made it through Wuthering , and Pride , and Eyre , but this one beat me into a Doug-infused blood-puddle. I read the entire rat-bastard thing, yet I still had to watch the movie three times. 1995 Hugh Grant is adorable and anyone who disagrees should be murdered by a now-millionaire former prostitute. Yeah, that incident happened in the same year as this movie. And yeah, she’s a millionaire now. And no, I’m not gay. I’m sure… It’s just… he’s so charming. "Are you quite sure you're not gay?" But, I’m not here to talk about the movie, or transgressions. I’m here to talk about the book. Unfortunately, I couldn’t decipher what the fuck Austen was talking about so we’ll be using the movie as a guide as I write this. Emma Thompson, your translation to the screen is a delight. Ang Lee, this doesn’t get you off my