How's your reading for the year coming? I hope well, because tomorrow is December and the holiday rush means THERE'S NO TIME, PEOPLE. nobody got time for anything Hahaha jk stats don't mean anything just enjoy what you're reading. I feel like this year, I've focused a lot on non-fiction and graphic novels/comics, and I'm extremely happy about that choice. I'd never read any Sandman before this year! It was out of my life! The sheer insanity of that. Although, if I'd read it when I was a teenager, I probably would've been horrified by discussions of sex, drugs, lesbians, etc, so maybe this is coming at just the right time. True to form, I'm in the middle of a bunch of books. Right now we've got: Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth Century Americans: A Mormon Example . DON'T JUDGE ME. these gifs were legit right after each other in my gif folder and I never noticed before and this is my favorite thing of today Muham...
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.