Ok, I don't know about all the participants (massive number that it was of...four?), but The Help readalong was totally fun despite The Help not being the most stellar book on the planet. So LET US DO ANOTHER ONE. In January. The only issue being that I have no idea whatsoever what we would read. So. I open the floor for suggestions. I'd kind of prefer a book that isn't hugely popular right now, as that is easier to get at the library AND they will let us renew it, but I guess I could always NOT be a cheapskate and just buy a copy. I want to read The Marriage Plot , but I probably won't actually get to that for like two years. SUGGEST! SUGGEST, BLOGGERS! I'm bad at this sort of thing. I leave you with an amazing gif that is, my friends, Bellatrix Lestrange and Molly Weasley patching up their differences:
A GIF-filled romp through the forests of books and nerdery.