Some kind of self-flagellating instinct makes me listen to Rebecca Black's "Friday" when that day comes around. Not that what that's all about.
So I've been on-again, off-again working on Sophie's Choice, but now I'm trying to actually sit down and finish it, and I LOVE it and want to marry it but I'm worried it'll think I'm too young or just not experienced enough because it uses SO MANY WORDS and I don't know them all and that means there's a lack of equality in the relationship.
I'm seriously a giant fan of William Styron now. He's all "Now I'm going to use 'marmoreal'" and I get ExcitedFace and say "Okay! Let me look that up!" and then I learn new words. A Kindle sale a while back had another one of his books for like $3 and I bought it WITHOUT KNOWING THE PLOT because I trust him and his smartness and love of words. Although I should add that I trusted A.S. Byatt implicitly after Possession, and then I read The Game and that trust was totally lost.
Since we're all discussing reading challenges for next year, I'm gonna mention that I very much want to do Bookish Ardour's Off the Shelf challenge because OMG THE BOOKS ON MY SHELVES. I need to stop going to the library, but it's an addiction. It's less financially damaging than a shopping addiction, but then I keep buying books at booksales and then my shelves start sagging and it is NOT a healthy thing. Not for my shelves, anyway, which make me feel guilty whenever I walk past them with new library gettings.
Anyway, I want to do this challenge, but my workplace has their site blocked as Social Networking (*shakes fist*) so I will sign up later. And I will work on clearing my damn shelves next year.
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