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Off the Shelf Hideously Long List

I am almost embarrassed that what I consider to be a huge commitment (30 books) is, in fact, classified as no more than 'Making a Dent' in the Off the Shelf challenge, but I suppose that is pretty much exactly what's happening, as my TBR shelf is currently at 150+. Oh my indeed.

So. Here're my proposed 30. Let me know if any are hideously terrible:

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (I own this in hardcover and paperback and have yet obviously not read it)
The Reef, Wharton
A Brief History of Time (stolen from my aerospace engineering professor father — suck it, nerds)
Official Book Club Selection, Kathy Griffin (got this in my stocking last Christmas)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
The Looking Glass Wars, Beddor (owned this an embarrassingly long time w/o reading it)
Rules of Civility, Towles
My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me (I got terribly excited about this and yet have not gotten around to it yet, boo to me)
The Crimson Petal and the White
Twilight Sleep, Wharton
The Divine Comedy
A Damsel in Distress, Wodehouse
Notre Dame de Paris, Hugo (I am about 2/3 through this, but I stopped in 2007 and never finished it)
Trois Contes, Flaubert
Notes on a Scandal
Little Altars Everywhere (ugh, YES, I loved Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. fine. revoke any good opinion you have of me)
And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles: The Wyrm King (Spiderwick Chronicles rules)
Henry James, Selected Short Stories
The Grapes of Wrath
The Golden Bough, Frazer
Henry VIII: The King and His Court (owned this for at least ten years)
The Woman in White
Dear Fatty, Dawn French
First Meetings, Orson Scott Card
Run, Ann Patchett
Elizabeth & Leicester, Gristwood 


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