I finished The Family Fang last night (recommended by Emily at As the Crowe Flies (and Reads)) and it was super-awesome and if it were somehow able to be made a part of my life for forever, I think I'd be ok with that. An element towards the end made me REALLY REALLY ANGRY, but then I was like "Well. It elicited a strong emotion in you and it WASN'T because of bad writing, so that = successful."
I started this blog because of the TBR Challenge. I wanted to have a place to post reviews of the books I finished that wasn't Goodreads. Little did I suspect what this would turn into. "Mwahaha" indeed. But anyway, that challenge means I finish 12 books from my To Be Read pile that've been on my shelves for at least a year. I did all the easy ones first because I'm an idiot. I now have:
Sophie's Choice - William Styron
Speak, Memory - Nabokov
State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America
Understanding the Women of Mozart's Operas
I am not a fast reader, people. Upon realizing I'd barely started Sophie's Choice and that to really appreciate Nabokov you have to linger over every one of his sentences (that bastard), I uttered an expletive I will not post here because of the CHILDREN. So much reading! So little time! I need to prepare arias and do my job and celebrate holidays with my extended family! Do you know what my beloved cousins say at Thanksgiving when they find me with a book at their house? "ALICIA. NO READING. Come play Mall Madness."
Is anyone else panicking about finishing up 2011 reading on time? IT IS NOW NOVEMBER. Soon it'll be the Doomsday Year! After the world ends how am I going to explain to Edith Wharton that despite owning it for four years I never got around to Twilight Sleep?? It will be embarrassing.
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