You know how Chicago's called the Windy City, and then some smartass says that it's called that because of our bluster about definitely being chosen for the 1893 World's Fair? Yeah, it's also fricking windy here. You don't quite understand why people in Olden Times anthropomorphized the wind until it's shoving you against a bridge railing as you walk over the river. "STOP TRYING TO KILL ME, WIND." But anyway. The Help.

Wait, I need to do more for the final post?
I mean...that scene is pretty much the best one in the book. I didn't expect anything truly bad to happen at the end, because it's popular with suburban moms, and those books don't end sadly. Those books end with women being Empowered, and this had, count 'em, THREE empowerment endings. Four if we count Lou Anne. Sure, let's count her.
I don't know. It just wasn't that good. It wasn't infuriatingly terrible. The writing was decent, but just not good. Skeeter goes through an unlikely character change (a hippie? really?); Hilly remains the Essence of Evil; and NOT ENOUGH CELIA AND MINNY AT THE END. Celia just kind of gets written out after it's made clear she's not going to fire Minny ever. Boo. Like I want to spend that time with Skeeter and her lameass problems instead.
So, 3/5? Meaning it was fine and had some nice parts? Yeah, that.
So, 3/5? Meaning it was fine and had some nice parts? Yeah, that.
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