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Bleak House Week 6: As We Near the End, We Reflect On How Kickass This Book Is

Mysteries! Revelations! French people!

why weren't YOU just in the book

No, I think we all know that Mademoiselle Hortense is played by Eva Green. 

I knew there was some reason I loved Inspector Bucket. And he was being so unfair to George! But then — bam. He is amazing. Super-amazing. And considerate of Sir Leicester (who...omg, nope). And stuffs a sheet in his wife's mouth, which — ok, look, that's hilarious and I feel like their marriage is the best and I wish they'd just adopt Charley and her siblings and start a family detective agency. And then Charley could marry


Okay, but first back to Sir Leicester, because

It is she whom he has loved, admired, honoured, and set up for the world to respect. It is she who, at the core of all the constrained formalities and conventionalities of his life, has been a stock of living tenderness and love, susceptible as nothing else is of being struck with the agony he feels.[...]
And even to the point of his sinking on the ground, oblivious of his suffering, he can yet pronounce her name with something like distinctness in the midst of those intrusive sounds, and in a tone of mourning and compassion rather than reproach.

Cannot handle Sir Leicester's love for Lady Dedlock. It supersedes everything else about him.  I love it. I love him. I wish Lady Dedlock had known him better, because she clearly has somehow missed who he actually is after all these years.

Speaking of undeniable love:

What was chapter 52 if not the GAYEST chapter ever? So, okay, Ada makes a giant mistake and marries Richard (way to make that happen, Richard, you tool). Then Ada begs Esther's forgiveness and asks if Mr Jarndyce will forgive her, and Esther says "Why, as to me, what had I to forgive?" WHAT INDEED, ESTHER? *peers at you*

So we've got

I had given my darling to him now, and I meant to go; but I lingered for one more look of the precious face which it seemed to rive my heart to turn from.

It was only natural that I should not be quite accustomed to the loss of my darling yet. Three or four hours were not a long time after years. But my mind dwelt so much upon the uncongenial scene in which I had left her, and I pictured it as such an overshadowed stony-hearted one, and I so longed to be near her and taking some sort of care of her, that I determined to go back in the evening only to look up at her windows.

I put my lips to the hearse-like panel of the door as a kiss for my dear and came quietly down again, thinking that one of these days I would confess to the visit.

I have BEEN that creepy stalkery teenage gay girl, and you can tell yourself whatever you want, but in the end, it's just you being gay. Esther, we love you and want you to love yourself.

and that self is super-gay

I'm continuing this post while drunk after a comedy show in the basement of a bar (natch), so be aware I love you all and that Bleak House is baller. DISCUSS.


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