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Bleak House the Finishening: "I'm Inspector Bucket, and you can trust me."


I downloaded this music vid off the internet AGES ago, and it has since disappeared. I re-upload it for you all, because omg who doesn't want to watch Lady Dedlock as played by Gillian Anderson doing things to a Madonna song? And I have waited the WHOLE readalong to post it, because SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING. But now you'll all know what's going on in it!! Because you've made it the whole way! So sit back, try to identify scenes, and feel Feels.

HURRAY VIDEO. Honestly, if you've made it through Bleak House, I am immensely proud of you. It's so good, but it's so long. REJOICING TIME.

Where—what to—THERE'S SO MUCH IN THE LAST SECTION. I mean. There's so much in the whole book, but there's so much we haven't talked about! Bucket and Tulkinghorn are parallels! Look at how Tulkinghorn refers to Lady Dedlock as "this woman" and Bucket allllways keeps her title, because past actions don't mean shit to Inspector Bucket. George and Lady Dedlock both have a weird Prodigal Son thing going on, only of course George picks Door #2 and Lady Dedlock picks The Door That Leads to Walking in Sleet and Snow for Over a Day and Then Dying. Dickens refers to a drowned corpse as "something wet," which is GROSS, so good job, Dickens! Richard and Woodcourt are sort of gay together but that's fine because ditto for Esther and Ada!

damn right.

In my memory the lights upon the bridge are always burning dim, the cutting wind is eddying round the homeless woman whom we pass, the monotonous wheels are whirling on, and the light of the carriage-lamps reflected back looks palely in upon me— a face rising out of the dreaded water.

Dickens, you are also good at that writing thing.

But back to things! More is made of class progression! The bourgeoisie is rising and leads the aristocracy around by the nose! Sir Leicester's vigil made me cry grown up lady tears on MULTIPLE occasions!
One of the peachy-cheeked charmers with the skeleton throats is already apprised of all the principal circumstances that will come out before the Lords on Sir Leicester's application for a bill of divorce.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" the 28-year-old Millennial yelled at her Kindle app, tears streaming down her face.

Dickens is the only writer I know other than J.K. Rowling who can make a person cry on one page and laugh on the next. He's remarkable. Let it be acknowledged.

Woodcourt says to Esther "what love she wins," and I wanted to launch into him, because the whole point is she shouldn't have to "win" love. You know who just GIVES you love? Your mother. No winning involved. Which Dickens drives home with George and Mrs Rouncewell. So thanks for using that verb, Woodcourt. That's great. Just reinforce her notion that she has to be perfect and be everything to everyone to make them love her. BOO WOODCOURT, BOO.

But no, I love that Dickens tells us Animal House-style what happens to the characters. Except for Bucket. But I assume he got along okay. Damn, I love Bucket. But everything else is great and the hunt for Lady Dedlock was so incredibly well done and I love this book and want to hug it to pieces only then how will I read it POOR PLANNING, ME.

Good job, people.


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