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24in48: I am not good at focusing

Let me amend the title – I am good at focusing in short bursts on things I'm obsessed with. But otherwise? Hahahaha no. But let's do this anyway! Sounds fun. And I haven't done a readathon in a while and I have so many books. So many.

Let's get on to book selection! Which was done hastily 10 minutes ago before I leave to cat-sit and then do a Chicago Pokemon meetup because #priorities.

I Hate Fairyland by Skottie Young. Something I love about Image (ONE OF MANY THINGS) is that they tend to price their volume ones at $9.99, which is an easy entry price. Then when you're hooked, bam! $15.99. But they're a business, guys. Gotta try to make some money. But yes, anyway, so I appreciate the initial low price thing. And also the technicolor insanity of this particular comic that I'm very much looking forward to checking out.

Without a Doubt by Marcia Clark. O.J. Simpson. So hot right now. Who saw this coming? Whatever, it's been extremely helpful. The trial happened when I was 10 years old, and as I've learned more and more about what was going on at the time, I've realized how very little I knew and how very much my knowledge depended on the National Enquirers my mother would buy and leave around the house. Ex: I thought Kato Kaelin played a HUGE part in the case. Due to my at-the-time dog obsession, I have also forever linked him with an Akita.

I am just saying.

News of the World by Paulette Jiles. I got an email blast for book requests, requested this, and promptly forgot about it. It's basically True Grit with a retired Army captain and a little girl who was kidnapped by an American Indian tribe who he has to return to her relatives. Reserved stoic people in the West are my literary JAM and the cover is so pretty. Totally on board with this book.

The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill. John Stuart Mill is a total feminist badass, but he's also a little dry, so his 100-page book has taken me a WHILE. If I can get through it, I'll be thrilled. He basically reasons through why it's a dumb-dumb move to limit the ways women can move through the world and how it damages society's progress. What a great guy. Much like.

Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The lady who wrote The Yellow Wallpaper wrote another book! "The book describes an isolated society composed entirely of women, who reproduce via parthenogenesis." What is parthenogenesis? Glad you asked. I had no idea, but you can bet the internet did.  

"Parthenogenesis is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization."

I'll add to this post throughout the weekend so WATCH OUT FOR THAT and stay safe out there, kids.

4:35 PM Saturday
  1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
    CHICAGO and it's very muggy here. I was out at Lincoln Park Zoo for a couple hours, catching Pokemon, and I returned a sweat-soaked wreck of a person.
  2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
  3. Where did you hear about the readathon, if it is your first?
    Imma say on Twitter from Liberty, because that seems most likely of all possibilities.
  4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
    Probs I Hate Fairyland, because it seems the most likely to be finished this weekend. Also because of the above-mentioned technicolor insanity.
  5. Tell us something about yourself.
    I'm a copywriter/opera singer/aspiring cryptozoologist, and I'm never leaving Chicago except maybe when I'm old and can't walk on ice anymore.
  6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend.
    HERE and also itsalicetime on Twitter and timetraveldanceparty on Instagram.

WELP. So, I finished I Hate Fairyland (obvs), read about the first 50 pages of Herland, and the first 100 of Marcia Clark's Without a Doubt. Which I am FAIRLY proud of, as the weekend was insanely busy. I'm gonna read the next volume of Fairyland when it comes out, because whiiiile it's kind of overly violent for me, it's this really really creative world that the artist + writer have planned out, and it's really fun seeing what's going to be drawn next.

Herland is this amazing feminist utopia thing where this band of 3 men find an ancient settlement of just women who are confused about things like why they drink cow milk and why they bury their dead people in the ground instead of cremating them. It's not like, the most compelling plot ever, but as feminist essays go, it's interesting, esp. being from 1915 and by Yellow Wallpaper Lady.

I love Without a Doubt. Love it. It's compelling and great.

GOOD FIRST 24 in 48, PEOPLE. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to make some actual attempt at the 24 part.  

(oh and I found out why I equated an Akita with Kato Kaelin, it's because Nicole Brown owned an Akita named Kato; that case is crazy) 


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