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2017: Everything feels weird and I'm exhausted

How...did previous generations cope with rage fatigue and a constant sense of impending doom? Oh, I know — they just died at like age 35. In the Middle Ages, at least. People in the '60s just did drugs. IT'S ALL MAKING SENSE NOW.

Like...I get it now, guys

I'm fighting a constant ostrich-like urge to bury my head in the sand and continue going about my normal life, while social media tells me on a non-stop loop that nothing is okay and you have to act now NOW.

We do have to act. But it helps no one if we're all CONSTANTLY feeling bad about not acting all the time. So. I am going to go to the March in Chicago on Saturday, and I'm going to read some news articles and try to be informed on what's really going on, and I'm going to try and stop myself from collapsing into a puddle of despair.

On that note! What have I been reading this month:

Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart Ehrman. Someone at my church lent this to me appx 2-3 years ago and I've never read it. Turns out it's only like 200 pages long and super-easy to read. I could also skim the beginning because a lot of it's stuff I got in four years of Bible class at my high school. Yeah, that's right. Bible five days a week for four years. Only not so much for me because it was first period and I slept in frequently. To the point that I got a notice that said if I missed one more Bible class, I couldn't graduate. BUT ANYWAY. This is pretty good and essentially says "we can't say we know exactly what the Bible says because we don't have any of the original versions of the books in it."

Bart Ehrman can be kind of a poopyhead sometimes

The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith by Matthew Bowman. This is for my church book group, because we're trying to read about other religions. It seems to be the most unbiased of the Mormon books, and it's really interesting and covers their beginnings in New York to being basically persecuted to Ohio, Missouri, Illinois (shout out!), to Utah. Also there's obvs a lot about the polygamy thing, because how can you not.

Mary Astor's Purple Diary by Edward Sorel. Already reviewed it here. but basically, the drawings are great, the writing's fine, and man, does 80-something-year-old Edward Sorel want to bang Mary Astor.

They Can't Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America's Racial Justice Movement by Wesley Lowery. I want to review this but I'm also scared to review it. Meaning I'm worried I'll somehow say something wrong. Which is weird because I liked it and thought it was really helpful, but that also seems to be our climate now. ANYWAY, I didn't have a background really on the history of BLM or a lot of the events that have led up to our current situation re race issues in America, and this was a really good primer for that.

I also read some comic book volumes and middle grade fiction that wasn't good enough to review. I'm not too into Black Science, but the art's really pretty. I also started Alison Weir's The Lost Tudor Princess about Lady Margaret Douglas, and that's pretty good, although she seems to have gotten very excited about finding 16th c. laundry lists somewhere, because she details people's exact wardrobes multiple times in the first 50 pages.

I leave you with this great tweet:


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