You know how you're walking along, minding your own business, and suddenly you just stop and go "SHIT, I haven't read Aurora Leigh yet"? PROBLEM. SOLVED. TODAY. Well, in November.
Yes! This November, a scant two weeks away, we will be reading Elizabeth Barrett Brown's masterpiece (?) Aurora Leigh, which is either a novel in verse or an epic poem or an epic novel/poem, the internet cannot seem to agree.
"What's it about?" you ask. No idea! A lady poet? It looks like? But don't worry, the ever-fantastic Jenny of Reading the End will be divvying up the chapters for us so the readings are somewhat cohesive/not wildly scattered or ending at odd points.
I AM EXCITED because this is a semi-deep cut of Victorian lit, and if you've read it, you can scoff at the superficially Victorianist Jane Eyre and Great Expectations readers and say YES BUT WHAT DID YOU THINK OF AURORA LEIGH oh you haven't read it I see (not that you would ever do that; you're too nice, but still the option will be there).
Sign-up's below, be there or be forever benighted (j/k you're all beautiful and brilliant).
November 2 - First and Second Books
November 9 - Third and Fourth Books
November 16 - Fifth and Six Books
November 23 - THANKSGIVING everyone gets the week off
November 30 - Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Books
Bahahaha, now I have to figure out whether I have read all or only part of Aurora Leigh. Who knows? It was long ago.