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August, you were CRAZY. But I love you anyway.

I read a ridiculous number of books in August. Otherwise known as "nine."

And since I've been finding it hard to update the blog this week, let's do that fun thing where I outline said books quickly, which will maybe hopefully perhaps be translated into longer reviews, as I genuinely liked many of these.

Rose of No Man's Land, Michelle Tea. I reviewed this one. Michelle Tea's a damn brilliant writer. You should read her books. I think some people likened this to Catcher in the Rye for ladies, only the heroine complains much less, so you Philistines who don't like CITR will probably like this.

The Gifts of the Jews, Thomas Cahill. The title of this is just weird. Louis CK said "Jew" is one of those words that can sound really racist just depending on your tone, so I feel like I have to be cautious when saying it out loud and when a book title uses it, that increases the danger enormously. ANYWAY. This is about how the Jewish people (ah, nice) and their worldview influenced all of Western society. It's okay, but I vastly preferred Cahill's How the Irish Saved Civilization.

Frances Willard: Her Life and Work, Ray Strachey. Oh, Ray. You're the tops. This was a thoroughly accessible look into the cow-taming WCTU president we now all know and love. I tend to disregard biographies from the early 20th and previous centuries, but that apparently is just me being an idiot. It might not have an index, but it's still great. And has firsthand sources! Huzzah.

Love Story, Erich Segal. Well. I just really really liked this.

Passions Between Women: British Lesbian Culture 1668-1801, Emma Donoghue. I think we've established that I read in the shower. I was gchatting with my roommate's girlfriend and she said "I saw that in the bathroom and went 'Yup. Must be Alice's." WHATEVER EVERYONE WOULD LIKE THIS BOOK (lies). No, there's a way to make this subject boring, and that way is called Dangerous Intimacies: Toward a Sapphic History of the British Novel, and Emma Donoghue does not do this. This is one book of many that furthers the thought process of how to consider past lesbian culture, what constitutes a lesbian at a time when the term does not necessarily exist, and how did society as a whole treat this type.

Like that, I guess?

Inferno, Dan Brown. I mean. I dunno, you guys. It really is entertaining. Just ignore the bad writing. Just ignore it. Read for plot. Which is fun.

No Wind of Blame, Georgette Heyer. This was my first Heyer, and it was kind of a big disappointment. When I found out who did it and how, my reaction was essentially "Oh. Okay." There was one interesting character, and I think Heyer knew it, because she kept having her pop up. I really hope her romances are way better.

Coal to Diamonds: A Memoir, Beth Ditto & Michelle Tea. Beth Ditto, lead singer of the band Gossip wrote a book! With Michelle Tea helping! Hurray! It's really short, and even if you don't know who Beth Ditto is (LISTEN TO GOSSIP'S LATEST ALBUM ON SPOTIFY), it's worth a read.

And Beth's kinda awesome.

The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood. This was really great. Really...really great. Which I don't know normally say about books with a more didactic slant, but Atwood somehow did it. I think I shall attempt a genuine post on this one.

There's no way that level of reading is being maintained in September, but GOOD JOB, AUGUST. There wasn't even any YA in there. How ridiculous.


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