I love my book blogging peoples. Why do ALL OF YOU live foreverly far away? Mostly in New England. And some in Actual England. I'm usually a very satisfied Midwest-dweller ('Midwesterner' is gross) but when someone posts something hilarious or makes their general loveliness as a person evident, I am saddened that I cannot gather them up and drag them to the Open Books warehouse sale this Saturday and then on to food. Instead I'm stuck with Julie, who is indeed a book blogger, but we met through a Craigslist ad I posted about finding a roommate (we didn't room together, but found each other awesome anyway, so now we are friends), and is therefore not a book blogger friend. Alas. This is why we all need to go to BEA next year and room together and then ATTACK ALL THE FREE BOOKS. ALL OF THEM SHALL BE OURS. THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS.
Speaking of books (on my book blog too!), Dewey's Read-a-Thon is coming up. The timing's kind of perfect. I'm going to my parents' that weekend, and there is almost NOTHING to do in my hometown, so I plan on eating a lot and reading from among the following books:
Happy Accidents, Jane Lynch
Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
Daisy Miller, Henry James
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls, Steve Hockensmith
Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne
I'm sure there're others. And knowing me and my slow-animal-that-is-not-a-cliched-snail like reading speed, I'll get through maybe one of my books. But I shall TRY, damnit. And that's apparently the important thing. Having the family I have, I will no doubt be interrupted with cries of "SHENANIGANS!", at which time it is required that all drop what they're doing and go out for milkshakes, and my little brother will want to play videogames, which I DO NOT DO, but overall I will totally get some reading done, as well as cheering on whoever else is participating.
Speaking of which, IS anyone participating?
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