Harry Potter Readalong Wrap-Up: "Really gives a feeling for the scope and tragedy of the thing, doesn't it?"
This is just where we put our leftover GIFs, right?
I mean...
The only thing this series has been compared to in popularity is Dickens, when people in America would MEET THE BOAT carrying the new volumes and be like "OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING? IS NELL ALIVE TELL US NOW ONLY DON'T BECAUSE SPOILEEEERS." People can talk about Twilight and 50 Shades of Fucking Grey, but those are literary fads. They're not going to last.
I mean...
What am I....
Supposed to....
NO. Um. Okay. This readalong has been going on since the dawn of time, i.e. January. And we are DONE now. But I talk to almost all you suckahs all the time anyway, so it's not AS sad as it could be. Our first few readalongs it was like "BUT I AM SO USED TO YOU NOW" but then we all got on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Gchat and now it's like "Oh. Hey. It's you."
The only thing this series has been compared to in popularity is Dickens, when people in America would MEET THE BOAT carrying the new volumes and be like "OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING? IS NELL ALIVE TELL US NOW ONLY DON'T BECAUSE SPOILEEEERS." People can talk about Twilight and 50 Shades of Fucking Grey, but those are literary fads. They're not going to last.
They might inspire older women to revive their sexual relationships or make teen girls FEEL things, but nothing has caused an audience to love characters as much as Harry Potter. If someone insults Neville Longbottom, YOU PUNCH THEM. These books are not transitory. They're staying.
Being with them and with you all for six months has been, dare I say, a ride. Thanks for the discussions and the slightly-changing-my-mind on some things (like MAYBE SIRIUS A LITTLE BIT) and making me notice parts of the book I would have missed on my own. You're my favorite readalong group. It was great sticking it out with you.
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