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New York City, where I basically just stalked a dead woman. Wasn't too hard.

I AM RETURNED. Having walked the Brooklyn Bridge! Seen the sights of Broadway! Drank two grande iced mochas in a Starbucks while reading Where'd You Go, Bernadette! Oh, it was a glorious time.

As I did not attend BEA proper, you will have to refer to BookRiot or Emily's blog (when she writes about it) for posts on that. I am sure it was swell. I'm sad I missed Grumpy Cat. ALSO MICHELLE TEA. Because I'll bet she's kind of crazy. But in a fun way. And I wanted to hear about her new mermaid book. Mermaids. So hot right now.

But I was BUSY getting closure on my Bessie Bueller story (to be told later this week) and stalking Emma Goldman's apartment like the most non-threatening stalker of all time. And meeting book bloggers!

From L-R, RaynaEmilyAmanda, meee, Alley

Rest assured, they are all awesome. And a delightful time was had and they let me talk about women's suffrage for an allotted period and then we MOVED ON (eventually to Harry Potter and slash fiction, but that is neither here nor there). Oh, book bloggers. I do enjoy meeting you. Jenny couldn't make it, but we brunched the next day and talked about how Elizabeth I was awesome and Mary, Queen of Scots was a moron (truth). So everything was the best.

In terms of actual books, I read part of Shine by the New York Supreme Court, which is where sooo many lovely arguments in Law & Order: SVU happen. On the steps! After Alex Cabot couldn't get an injunction or some other lawyery word and she's all "I did my job! You do yours!" and then she walks away with her scarf waving in the wind as Elliot and Olivia look at each other before the "DUN DUN!" and scene cut.

I read Where'd You Go, Bernadette in the aforementioned Starbucks off Union Square, TWO BLOCKS from Emma Goldman's apartment. That book doesn't really go with Emma Goldman, but it DOES go with Seattle, which I've been obsessed with visiting lately. I WILL GAZE UPON YOUR CLEAR WATERS AND BASK IN YOUR RAININESS.

I brought Alice Paul and the Battle for the Ballot to the Imperial Theatre where I saw Bessie Bueller (sekrit code name) in Nice Work If You Can Get It. Unfortunately, most of the important sites for women's suffrage in the U.S. happened in DC. So. Couldn't really read it in a meaningful spot. I will say, though, as of like 80 pages in, this is a book everyone should read and go put it on your TBR list GO DO IT NOW it is so readable and all sorts of EXCITING things happen, like the Boy Scouts being called in as reinforcements to push back the rude men trying to ruin the Women's Suffrage parade.

men had a bit of a hard time accepting
women's suffrage in 1913

Remember when there was all that stuff about cultural doxa, and things you just "know" are right? Like no one now would be like "Hah, women shouldn't have the vote; it'll ruin everything. How're they supposed to vote when they should be spiffing up my boots? I LIKE 'EM SHINY."

Because that would be ridiculous.

But one hundred years ago WHICH WAS NOT EVEN THAT LONG AGO THEY HAD TELEPHONES AND SALT WATER TAFFY that was a totally legitimate position. In 1913, when it was going state by state, only five states had given the vote to women. And Alice Paul was like "Fuck that, we're getting a constitutional amendment." And soooo it came to pass.

Basically, book bloggers are lovely, I look forward to meeting more of you, NYC is exhausting and I love Chicago, but yay all the stuff it has.


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