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Netflix Adventures Abound in Chicago

I enjoy the 4th of July the same way I enjoy Labor Day. There's no especial pull to go outside or associate with family members, and you're pretty much allowed to celebrate however you want (people give you shit about Halloween, I'm just saying).

True, I ventured outside my apartment on occasion, going on a not-date with a girl and her pregnant friend, seeing Snowpiercer (excellent except for the stupid, stupid ending) and doing up the Renfair with my roommate. HOWEVER. There was also a lot of Netflix.

Documentaries are excellent to have on while cleaning, as they do not require as much attention. I needed to clean my room, so I put on Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony and quickly STOPPED cleaning, because holy shit, Bronies. I cried four times during that documentary. I'm not sure it merited it, but it happened. Fandoms are a weakness of mine (OBVIOUSLY) and I'm easily reduced to a weepy mess when people start talking about the support and joy that happens within them.


Something the otherwise actually quite excellently-done documentary leaves out is the NEGATIVE side of the fandom. I haven't explored it, because why, but every fandom has a shitty side. I'm sure some Bronies are dicks. I'm sure some Bronies are MRAs. But overall (according to the documentary), it's a group for guys who are remarkably fine being excited about a show that praises friendship and loyalty and that's...that's just really nice. Even if it also causes this:


So after an hour of my life spent watching a documentary about a show I hadn't seen, I figured I should maybe see the show? So I did. I watched the pilot. And it was cute. 'Cause. Y'know. It's My Little Pony.

I'd probably watch more. Mainly because I LOVE BEING EXCITED ABOUT THINGS and people get so excited about this show. Also, I'm not gonna be the only one who doesn't know who the hell Pinkie Pie is.

SO THEN, I noticed that The Witches of East End was a thing and the cover picture had all ladies and when do I not pay attention to that sort of thing never unless it's something like The Real Housewives of Splarfy Foo so I casually put on the first episode and then IMMEDIATELY started livetexting it to Jenny from Reading the End because she puts up with that sort of thing and also watches some terrible tv shows.

That basically sums up ten hours of my weekend. Aside from the pony thing. That's another three. Witches of East End is awesome (DON'T WORRY I'M READING/REVIEWING THE BOOK) because the mom is Guinevere from First Knight and her sister is Shelley from Twin Peaks and eventually Shelley makes out with Freddie Prinze Jr from She's All That, so basically it's a '90s reunion show that also has some young people, but we ignore them.


Now please excuse me as I search for the perfect balance of TV watching to no-of-course-I'm-not-wasting-my-life-ness. Might take a while.


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