I was a proud woman yesterday and in the days before. Perhaps too proud. I scorned all mention of Grey's Anatomy. "HAH!" scoffed I. "That show is for the plebeian masses who thrive off scandalous sexual antics in a medical setting and know not the majesty of truly well-written television."
And then came this past eve, when I have stayed up until 3 a.m. watching the entire Callie/Arizona arc on YouTube, and now I can scorn no longer. Gone — gone is my scorn! Gone the way of the stones that fell from the hands of Jesus' followers and were left abandoned in the street or wherever they'd stone people until they were repurposed for some other stonely activity! Be not proud and scornful, Ye Internet, for the same may befall you.
And now, some bookish thoughts.
I have picked up A Visit from the Goon Squad. It seems MOST excellently written indeed. Perhaps not Pulitzer material, but in its defense, I have read about five pages, and I'm assuming the Pulitzer committee read all of it.
The Looking Glass Wars has been on my shelf ABOUT five years and I finally read chapter 1. I like it. There's been a tendency lately to serious-up Alice in Wonderland, and I have no issues with this. Yes! LET there be asylums mentioned! Blur the lines between reality and fiction further, I implore you! Because you, Frank Beddor, will in all likelihood do it at least somewhat well, unlike that sickening, infantilized mess known as Sucker Punch.
The Book Thief is not terrible. I have read almost none of it, but it is not terrible, and is actually much better in the first chapter than I thought it would be. And it made me look around my desk and go "Look at all the color! I do not appreciate this phenomenon nearly enough in my life. MORE COLOR."
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