So twice a year, apparently, there's this thing called Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon. It's what it sounds like -- you try to read for 24 hours (although plenty seem to break for sleeping/showering/whathaveyou). As I am into things that have rules, I would be all for it, BUT the first one of this year is taking place on the very weekend I am visiting my totes bff Audrey in Florida, and I feel like she might be insulted if I say "I know I flew all this way to spend time with you and that you're being awesome by letting me stay in your house, but I can't talk to you for 24 hours as I have to participate in this online challenge I read about last week."
So. That will not be happening. Instead I shall be gazing with delight upon the majestic manatee and his fellow denizens of the sparkling waters of the Gulf.
I am ALMOST done with Sarah Vowell's newest book, Unfamiliar Fishes, and just in time, too, as she's speaking in Oak Park in two days and I would like to finish it before then. It might be my first actual review on here. I thought book reviews were inherently boring, but Amanda over at Dead White Guys has proven this not to be the case. So, my zeal renewed, I shall give this 'reviewing' a try. Fair warning, it will probably consist of something along the lines of "This part sucked and this part was awesome," for that is how I roll.
So. That will not be happening. Instead I shall be gazing with delight upon the majestic manatee and his fellow denizens of the sparkling waters of the Gulf.
I am ALMOST done with Sarah Vowell's newest book, Unfamiliar Fishes, and just in time, too, as she's speaking in Oak Park in two days and I would like to finish it before then. It might be my first actual review on here. I thought book reviews were inherently boring, but Amanda over at Dead White Guys has proven this not to be the case. So, my zeal renewed, I shall give this 'reviewing' a try. Fair warning, it will probably consist of something along the lines of "This part sucked and this part was awesome," for that is how I roll.
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