Hunger Games was way better than I thought it was going to be. Because I didn't want to let myself like it, but then I did, DESPITE MYSELF. I don't even know how technically "good" it is; it's just really entertaining. Which then makes me feel a bit nasty because that's why the people at the Capitol watch the Games. For entertainment. So I'm really like the stupid Capitol people. I mean, I can live with that, this all being fictional, but I feel like it's a dirty trick on the part of the author. *shakes fist*
I still thoroughly plan on reading the next two, even if I am a bit annoyed by the direction I believe it's going to take (down with the oppressive regime! let's outsmart them by being sneaky and out-of-the-box!). If anything, it's taught me that I don't care at all that girls were arguing to death about the Twilight battle of Edward vs Jacob. Because I would engage in a lengthy debate about Peeta vs Gale, and I haven't even read much about Gale yet (but oh, I am sure he will be prevalent soon). No, I cared that Bella was a personalityless, selfish moron who made a boy the end-all, be-all of her existence. LI-TER-ALLY.
So yes, if Hunger Games is the next series teens are way into, that is just fine and dandy. Now I won't have to write more ranty essays about how Bella behaves like an abused housewife around Edward AND LIKES IT.
Let me just un-derail that train and we can move on. Not that I really have anything to move onto. Sophie's Choice is still excellent. My small group at church is reading Karen Armstrong's The Case for God, which is extremely dense to say the least. Oh, and I am of course looking forward to the Help! I Have Not Read The Help! read-along. You just go and sign up for that if you haven't read it. Because I will post awesome discussion questions and we shall have SCHOLARLY DEBATES.
This is how I expect things to actually go:
"I loved *insert character here.*"
"WHAT? That character sucks."
No, we'll be respectful and so forth. Which is less funny, but whatever.
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