All right. I wasn't going to do this, despite EVERYONE doing it, but who am I to be above bandwagon jumping? Let's all read scary things!
I am not great at reading scary things, as I do not like to scared (possible problem with this challenge? perhaps). But I had a weird sort of liking for Haunting of Hill House despite giving it, I believe, 2/5 on goodreads, so I shall attempt to read other stuff that's creepy/scary/what-have-you, and hopefully it'll result in...something.
Definitely won't be able to do more than two, but now I need to pick them. Everyone's freaking out about The Night Circus now that it's only one week from release, so mebbe that. But I feel like I should read old scary stuff. I have no idea who writes old scary stuff. Poe? Yeah, him. But there have to be others; I've just always ignored them due to the aforementioned dislike of things scary.
Anyway, huzzah for challenges and I hope you're all participating if you have the inclination. Let's form a tighter community by doing the same things! (i'm sure this has never turned out badly) Yeah!
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