I was visiting my family peoples this weekend and thus did not check ANY blogs for like three days. So in case you're like "WHY am I getting comments today on a post from Friday? THE TIME IS PAST," that's why. I am catching up on blogs instead of reading The Hunger Games which, y'know, I actually would very much like to do as it's at a very exciting part. But I respect you all too much. Posts cannot go commentless if I have the slightest thing to say, be it edifying or not.
I hesitate to say what I'm about to say, as it necessarily puts my blog in not as stellar a light as I would at all times wish. But my friend Julie, both fortunately and unfortunately, has started a book blog. Fortunately, because it's funny and clever and contains genuine book reviews, unlike here. Unfortunately, because it's better than mine, and by me directing you to it, you will be made aware of this.
I hang out with this girl fairly regularly, and I was still surprised and delighted to find that she refers to Keira Knightley as "Keira &$*%ing Knightley."
Anyway, her blog is Contractually Obligated to Like Books and you should all check it out right now.
Meanwhile, what does my blog have to offer?
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