It has been decided (by me) that today is Moping Tuesday. So this is me moping.

I've looked up books for moping in my own reading history, and they would be the following:
1. Catcher in the Rye - OBVS. The world is terrible and all the people in it are terrible (except for a couple of them) and what can you do? Nothing, that's what. Except maybe run around with some kids who aren't as terrible as everyone else.
2. Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Oh look, everything horrible ever, plus a heroine you don't care about. "But is there a 2 a.m. baptism of a dead baby?" you ask? YES.
3. Ethan Frome - This was the ultimate emo book for teenage me. THEIR LOVE, IT WAS CONTROLLED BY FATE. Damn you, fate.
4. East of Eden - Things suck and people die, but there is HOPE. Somewhere.
5. Fahrenheit 451 - The world's probably fucked, but at least there'll always be some people who like books.
6. Main Street - Life sucks. No, it's really, really awful. Mainly because of monotony. So have fun with that.
7. Eugene Onegin - Good job with your life decisions, because they're all going to turn out wrong.
8. Sophie's Choice - The Nazis ruined everything. And some people are beyond help.
9. The Help - Skeeter is getting kicked out of the Junior League. Let's talk about how awful this is. Also there're some maids.
10. We Have Always Lived in the Castle - You can't trust people, but at least family's there.
I'm gonna go listen to some mopey songs. If you all have anything to add to this list, PLEASE feel free.
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