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Canada and the Betterment of Society

So, I was mainly trying to be hilarious yesterday, and everyone showed me up by being sympathetic and kind. So thanks, you nice bastards.

I am going to Canada in 22 days! Huzzahs all around. After making a very definite decision that this was going to be my 'non-historical' trip, i.e. where I don't try to visit every place where Someone Once Sat, it turns out I am going to Toronto the weekend of the War of 1812 BICENTENNIAL. And the way they've chosen to celebrate this is "ALL HISTORICAL SITES ARE FREE!!!"


I'm pretty pissed off about this, actually, because my plans were to drink with my best friend on her couch and not feel guilty about it. Possibly while watching medical documentaries. And now it looks like I have to tour some harbors. Oh, sorry, "harbours." Damnit, Canada.

Speaking of Old Things, I'm pretty sure this is how it would go if I ever time-traveled:

Me: *arrives in 1910* *passes out*
*ten minutes later*

Then some guy would walk too slowly in front of me on the sidewalk; I'd get irritated and be like "THIS IS LAME; I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY TIME." And then I'd teleport back and my adventure would be over.

I almost guarantee that is what would happen. Because judging by other time travel experiences from books, I'd otherwise either end up screwing the future and Hitler would win WWII because I bought a ham sandwich, OR I'd come back to 2012 being a preachy jackass (I'm looking at you, Time and Again).

Which brings me to my final point. Which is that people need to shut it about the current human race declining and being so much better in Ye Olden Times. Because while I think Ye Olden Times are hilarious and fun TO READ ABOUT, our current society, in terms of gender & racial equality, the class system, and overall social opinions of what is ok and not ok, is SO MUCH BETTER OFF NOW. Because even with something like gay rights, 20 years ago, if you condemned them, you'd probably have a decent amount of support. Now it is seen as embarrassing to have that opinion. Which is a hugely important step.

We're veering away from the death penalty. And while there may be a Republican/Democrat schism right now regarding whether or not there IS a pay gap between men and women, Republicans who say there isn't are at least acknowledging there shouldn't be. Which was not the case for mannnny people in recent decades. So yes. Man may be inherently flawed, but at least we're becoming less of a jackass species. In certain ways (looking at you, British Petroleum).

Could the people of the past have produced this?
So we have a lot of dystopian literature right now because a lot of shit's been happening in the world. Of course, if we look at any other time in any other country, a lot of shit's always been happening. So we might have a fairly bleak outlook on the world, but things are getting way, way better. It's not like we're 17th century Prussian milkmaids, getting murdered by rampaging Swedes (note: this happened).

In conclusion, I need to go look up Canada jokes. I'll bet my friend'll be really happy to hear a series of those during my stay.


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