It's Sunday night and this is naturally what I'm thinking about.
Alyson of Bathe is my nemesis. Always has been, always will be. And by 'always,' I mean 'since that time on twitter I asked if we could be nemeses, 'cause that's awesome.' Which was a few months ago.
Meg's blog is engaged to mine, so I guess she's the Kirsten Dunst/Maggie Gyllenhaal here, who ACTS in a vaguely feministy way, but isn't really, 'cause those movies are made by dudes. (note: Megs would totally be actually feministy)
Contractually Obligated to Like Books would be like Alfred the Butler, because she would sigh or make hilariously snobbish remarks about my chosen plans for the evening. Which would be something like Rescuing Rick Riordan's Books from a Lack of Editing (for serious -- they're wildly popular, and yet there are at least three errors in every book).
What Red Read and Devouring Texts are my sidekicks (sorry, guys — I'll be your sidekick if you want me, but in this story, I am Batman). Whenever a hilarious book needs to be read, we will be there. Whenever one of us reads a terrible book, we will be there to say 'I am not reading that then' in the comment section. And whenever one of us gives a book away, we will be the only people to enter.
As the Crowe Flies and Reads is the wise mentor who actually works at a bookstore and is all professionally bookish. I would visit her when things get darkest (i.e. when Alyson and I disagree on a book and I get put out) and she would offer her counsel (which would hopefully be something like 'Not everyone likes the same books, Alice').
And now I am out of comic book types. Plus I want to go take a bath.
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