WHAT UP 2012
I read 43 books during you. 44 if I stop looking at hilarious gifsets on Tumblr before midnight. But really. What're the chances THAT'S gonna happen. 40something books isn't a lot. But I was DOING shit. Like watching Xena.
28 of these books were by ladies. Nine were by gay ladies. Which is...actually less than I thought. GOOD JOB FAILING, SELF (I blame me not liking Jeanette Winterson).
Wilkie Collins was a relatively unknown man at the beginning of this year. Nor did I have a definite idea on how gross the ending of Grapes of Wrath is (so gross). I didn't know about the genius of Vampire Academy, or the fact that Rainbow Rowell can write anything and I will read it.
All I knew about Alison Bechdel was the Bechdel Test, I had no idea A.S. Byatt wrote anything I'd like other than Possession, I studiously ignored Agatha Christie, and John Stephens was but a random name to me rather than the author of the completely kickass Books of Beginning series. Oh, and Doug guest blogged and it was the greatest.
I also discovered the joy of JLaw gifs.
In terms of RL stuff...I don't even know. You guys don't care about things that happen in the 98% of my life that isn't blogging, right? Yeah, fuck that. Let's have some more of THIS:
I read 43 books during you. 44 if I stop looking at hilarious gifsets on Tumblr before midnight. But really. What're the chances THAT'S gonna happen. 40something books isn't a lot. But I was DOING shit. Like watching Xena.
28 of these books were by ladies. Nine were by gay ladies. Which is...actually less than I thought. GOOD JOB FAILING, SELF (I blame me not liking Jeanette Winterson).
Wilkie Collins was a relatively unknown man at the beginning of this year. Nor did I have a definite idea on how gross the ending of Grapes of Wrath is (so gross). I didn't know about the genius of Vampire Academy, or the fact that Rainbow Rowell can write anything and I will read it.
All I knew about Alison Bechdel was the Bechdel Test, I had no idea A.S. Byatt wrote anything I'd like other than Possession, I studiously ignored Agatha Christie, and John Stephens was but a random name to me rather than the author of the completely kickass Books of Beginning series. Oh, and Doug guest blogged and it was the greatest.
I also discovered the joy of JLaw gifs.
You are a shining light of wisdom to us all, JLaw |
In terms of RL stuff...I don't even know. You guys don't care about things that happen in the 98% of my life that isn't blogging, right? Yeah, fuck that. Let's have some more of THIS:
But FOR SERIOUS, ummm, I went to NYC twice, Toronto once; met two girls I've known for years on Livejournal, plus Alley, Jenny and Aarti; proposed to Sue Perkins (and also a bunch of other people); auditioned a million times (yay the ARTS); resigned from being an active elder at my church; started taking piano lessons; annnd marched in the Triangle Factory Fire remembrance. Which is obviously the most important thing.
2012 was good. 2013 will be better. Here's my approach to the future (other than it being basically AWESOME): Right now, in this world, there are thousands — THOUSANDS — of amazing, wonderful, beautiful things that you are going to find out about throughout your life. And along with those amazing, wonderful beautiful things that already exist, more are being created every day. So your challenge is to go out and find those things and realize how exciting life is.
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