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Year Wrap-Up Kinda (don't be too over-awed by my wholehearted devotion to this)

I have Feelings. Feelings about books I've read this year. So without further ado, let's do a Look Back on 2012 Because Tomorrow the World's Gonna End and I Might Not Have Access to Blogger.

So here's this.

I did not read a lot this year. I WAS BUSY OKAY. Also I was super-invested in Doctor Who, The L Word, Once Upon a Time and everything Sue Perkins was in (which was a lot). Also I went to New York twice, Toronto once, and met five internet friends in person. So NO READIN' FOR ALICE.

Except for some things that I am going to mention and not mention right now.

What did I LOVE this year? Ragnarök by A.S. Byatt, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt, The Woman in White by Our Fearless Leader, and Attachments by Rainbow Rowell (yes, those were all this year). You should read ALL OF THEM if you haven't. What's kind of hilarious is I think most of you have, because we flail over books and then we all read them.

What did I HATE this year and you should never read them because they will cause despair and suffering to come upon you like an evil plague? Amsterdam by Ian McEwan. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. And that is all. I can barely finish books I want to marry, people. I'm not finishing things I don't like. Except for the above.

Things that were delightful but for some reason didn't get five stars on Goodreads de moi:

Agorafabulous, Sara Benincasa - This is probs the best memoir I've read this year. And by 'memoir' I mean 'series of funny essays.' She had agoraphobia. She's an intelligent comedian. You should read it.

The Price of Salt, Patricia Highsmith - Hah, remember how gay novels used to always end with someone committing suicide or marrying someone they didn't love? GUESS WHAT THIS DOESN'T DO THAT. The amazing thing is it was written in 1952. Good job, Highsmith.

Fun Home, Alison Bechdel - I never read graphic novels, but Alison Bechdel's story of her childhood and father is totally worth reading. People have scorned it and then loved it! Put it on your lists, my noble giraffes!

And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie - And now I need to read All the Agatha Christie. She's like Encyclopedia Brown! But with MURDER. (p.s. I'm still hugely impressed by Encyclopedia Brown)

Lastly, today is Julie's birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FOOD PARTNER I look forward to our next food adventure/Shakespearean odyssey. May you not be swallowed up by snow on this most blizzardy of days in Wisconsin.


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