I should be reading about Prussia at this very moment, but instead I'm listening to Spotify and eating Dirt Chocolate (my office friend Doug got a box of chocolate that he dropped on the floor by me and all the chocolate spilled out and now we're slowly eating it, but it is now Dirt Chocolate).
I will, however, share one of the more hilarious of the sentences I've read thus far in Iron Kingdom: "He was the feudal overlord of the Duchy of Prussia, a Baltic principality that had been controlled by the Teutonic Order until its secularization in 1525, and was ruled thereafter by Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern, a cousin of the Elector of Brandenburg."

Screw you, Europe! You know what history consists of here? "This used to be a colony and is now a state." "Oh, ok."
I have printed out four maps of Germany/Prussia that I keep by me so that when they refer to Frankfurt/Oder, I don't get confused by going "BUT THIS IS DISCUSSING THE EAST AND FRANKFURT IS IN THE WEST ACCORDING TO MAP #3." Because then map #1 will show that there is indeed another Frankfurt on the Oder River, which is in the EAST.
Hannah has assured me that it'll get easier when they reach the 30 Years' War, which is about to happen. Thank God. Y'know, sort of.
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