My blog's not going dark or whatever, because 1) I don't know how to do that, and 2) Not that many people read this in the grand scheme of things. Or in any scheme of things. So really I'd just be making my father unhappy, and who wants that on their conscience?
HOWEVER. Did you know that if SOPA or PIPA passes, my blog could be shut down because of one of the many amazing gifs I use?
Say goodbye to this hilarity |
Omg SO MANY THINGS. But mainly writing or calling (calling is way more effective, AND makes you feel like an awesome participant in the citizen-government relationship) your senator or representative and saying something along the lines of "I violently oppose this bill, sir or madam. Whose leg are you trying to pull here! The constituents', my good sir! The CONSTITUENTS' legs and we do not appreciate the government manhandling our appendages in such a way! Nay! Forswear your support for this piece of legislation or I withdraw my support from you, sir! From YOU!"
Check out Wikipedia's awesome Contact page. Awesome meaning it's simple and easy to use. Like Wikipedia. Unless PIPA or SOPA passes, in which case we won't have Wikipedia and HOW WILL I FIND OUT ACTORS' NAMES? IMDB, you say? That place is riddled with ads, people! RIDDLED.
Wikipedia, Reddit, Tumblr and The Oatmeal all have information pages set up as to what SOPA and PIPA are, and why they're the worst thing since George Lucas said 'Hey guys, what about a Star Wars PREquel?' So check those out and SAVE THE INTERNET AND FUNNY GIFS.
How d'you like them apples? "NOT AT ALL" is the correct answer. |
Wikipedia, Reddit, Tumblr and The Oatmeal all have information pages set up as to what SOPA and PIPA are, and why they're the worst thing since George Lucas said 'Hey guys, what about a Star Wars PREquel?' So check those out and SAVE THE INTERNET AND FUNNY GIFS.
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