Omg. Omg. This is the best thing of today/maybe this week (courtesy of my brother's amazing friend Randy):
Old People Writing On a Restaurant's Facebook Page
I love the internet. What'd people do before it? Probably churned butter or something. Or whittled.

I love the internet. What'd people do before it? Probably churned butter or something. Or whittled.
I'm still pretty damn excited about Woman in White, mainly because it's GREAT. If you're doing the readalong, I advise you start the next section soon if you haven't already, as it's a little longer than the previous one. I was so behind Easter weekend I had to read at Second City. "EXCUSE ME, PEOPLE TRYING TO DO COMEDY, but I am trying to read about mysterious Victorian ladies."
My church's small group is reading How the Irish Saved Civilization (did I mention that? I think I've mentioned that) and now that WiW day is over, I was able to actually start it, and DUDE it is kickass. Because the author's like "I'm going to use words like 'pusillanimous' that you have to look up but I'm also going to write in an EXTREMELY ACCESSIBLE FASHION and hey, people have treated the Irish like shit, but this is why they're awesome and saved your ass and let you have the internet you were extolling so highly earlier."

I've found myself genuinely looking forward to reading more. And it is SO SHORT. So far it's mainly talking about why Rome fell and how Edward Gibbon lived in 1776 and not in Winston Churchill's time like I'd previously thought. Fine then. Also Ausonius apparently sucks.
There is seldom any necessary information to be communicated, insights are scarce, and genuine emotion is almost entirely absent. Though his effete contemporaries compared Ausonius to Virgil and Cicero, practically all others have found themselves in agreement with the robust opinion of Gibbon: "The poetical fame of Ausonius condemns the taste of his age."SLAM. You just got served, Ausonius. You might've been consul back in the day, but nowadays a 20something girl makes fun of you in a post alongside Doctor Who gifs.
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