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The Woman in White: The Beginning of the Endening

Oh, Woman in White. What shall we do when you're gone? As always:

So, when Hartright was first trying to figure out Sir Percival's Really Big Secret, my mind went haywire and basically guessed EVERYTHING, including a scenario where he was the father of Anne and Laura, who were twins and therefore it was MEGA-GROSS he married Laura for her money, what with her being his illegitimate (probably) daughter and all, but then I was like "Maybe the news of his wife/ladyfriend Mrs. Catherick being pregnant is what gave him his loss-of-hair/exposed forehead issue. So that little mystery's solved."

But probably not. And then we finally find out THE REALLY BIG SECRET, and because I was skimming when I read it, being AGAIN BEHIND, I was kind of like "Oh, really? Ok." I need my mind to shut up and stop guessing what's going to happen, because then I get attached to my own jumped-to conclusions and then the actual thing is like "Oh. I see."

So let's ignore the plot again and talk about characters and Bigger Issues, because I don't care so much about plot.

Something I neglected to address last week, but which seems important in terms of redeeming Wilkie from my Week 1 irritation over the first sentence (which is, if we need a memory refresh, "This is the story of what a Woman's patience can endure and what a Man's resolution can achieve," bleah). WHAT does Marian say when she hears about Laura's bruise?

"I want to see it, Laura, because our endurance must end, and our resistance must begin to-day."

Oh, WHAT WAS THAT? I refuse to accept that as a coincidence, despite the billion words in this book ensuring that some will be repeated. No. "Our endurance must end, and our resistance must begin to-day." Marian Halcombe is so badass and such an advanced character for her time I cannot even handle it. WILKIE WHAT ARE YOU TELLING US?

Moving on to Mr. Fairlie and the brief narrative of his we're blessed with. He is an ass, and I am an invalid. Pretty much everything he says is amazing, and I would watch a tv show about him and Louis. Oh, for more of Mr. Fairlie.

And Hartright steps up his game. Wow. Right away he's this changed, decisive, non-wimp, which I fully appreciate, even if he does still act like an ass sometimes. And there's the constant "Oh whoops, I probably should have done this before doing this other thing, but I didn't think of it, oh well." That happens like FIVE TIMES and they're all important times. Like, honestly, you didn't think about how Fosco would have the lawyer's office watched? I thought about it, and it's not a matter of possible life and death for me. But there's also stuff like:

I had first learnt to use this stratagem against suspected treachery in the wilds of Central America.

And that's just damned attractive.

I'm kind of pissed he keeps calling Laura "faded," but he's being a stand-up guy regarding her, so whatevs. S'all good. I love everyone in this Victorian mystery bar.

The reading for this next week shouldn't confuse anyone. Assignment = finish the book. until there's none left.

P.S. ADDENDUM. I am an idiot and forgot to say "ASGLKHFDJS MARIAN BROKE LAURA OUT OF AN INSANE ASYLUM." And the way it's written, it's all matter of fact, because Hartright's writing it, but DUDE SHE DID THAT. Oh Marian. You are the best ever.


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